The television series of The Planet Of The Apes is not as good as the films, but is still worth a watch.It lacks the originality of the films. The series is set 893 years before the original film and it seems that in this time humans can talk, this means that over the next 893 years humans lose the power of speech and become more wild. One thing i did notice, though, is that dogs are alive...Now this is impossible considering the movie fact that dogs(along with cats) died out, thus opening up the way for apes to become pets, and eventually servants, and soon became intelligent like humans.This series of Planet Of The Apes was released on video in two limited edition box sets in Australia. I now own all five films and all thirteen episodes on video.I am now eagerly awaiting the release of Return To The Planet Of The Apes (the animated series) on video. I am also looking for the Behind The Scenes Video about the films.