Snoopy steals the picture.
20 February 2004
Let's see, error prone Marcie, crabby Lucy, wise Linus, helping Snoopy, and good old Charlie Brown. I like the part where the Easterbeagle (i.e. Snoopy) approaches and gives the eggs to the kids. I also like the part where Snoopy is at the store, and dances with Marcie and Peppermint Patty. Woodstock is funny. The music is cool. And Marcie keeps messing up on boiling eggs. Which makes Peppermint Patty say "AAAUGGHH!" This happens for about 4 or 5 times. Why not just kick her out of here or something and let her do it herself. Or better yet, explain that eggs should not be broken, toasted or roasted in the beginning. That way she would not go through all this mess. I bet a lot of you people went up into similar problems as Peppermint Patty went into. You had similar problems with your friends or family members (like your siblings or parents no offense). Some scenes got edited into, THE CHARLIE BROWN AND SNOOPY SHOW (1983-1985). If you like this one, you'll like IT'S ARBOR DAY CHARLIE BROWN (1976).
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