Low Budget. Has nothing to do with the original TV mini-series
22 March 2003
Absolutly has nothing to do with the tv mini-series Salem's Lot (1979). Very low-budget type film. This does not have the same characters nor the same actors as in the original film and does not have the main vampire killer as in the original film we all are a fan of. This film is just a total rip-off by name of title of the original film instead. Not worth the bother and definatly not for children to see. My rating is an awful "1". What a waste of good talent for Evelyn Keyes (Gone With The Wind) and June Havoc. Only worth a look if you would like to see them act again. But they are goonies in this one. Why their was not legal nogotiations concerning the use of title ("Salem's Lot") and the picture of the main Vampire Killer from the original film on the video package is beyond me.
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