People of the eighties were not ready for such a film !
10 September 2003
With better actors , and the funding of an `A` film the producer could have made us forgotten forever The Breakfast Club ! He probably had in his hands the best scenario about the passage of individuals to the world of adults .This film is really showing us at what point we could be confused at the end of our teen years . All the roles in some way seems to be stereotypical ...But none of their emotional responses ..It's like real life is .

For instance when the school adviser came up early from work he surprises his wife with another man in bed .he is not angry ! he shows extreme sadness and pain .He sees his life crumbling down and instead taking his gun he takes his camera and before entering into the room he is making one or two shots ...but the camera is pointing down at his feet ...it's like he refuses to see how his own life is turning ...nobody in this flick is an hero everyone in this plot has something to learn . It's the only American film who sees life from that point.
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