Review of Os Canibais

Os Canibais (1988)
Opera as perhaps Bunuel would have liked it...
14 April 2003
A film of two halves, Os Canibais starts as an opera and ends as a surreal opera. The story is about upper class love and marriage, lifestyle and prejudice, jealousy and revenge, suicide and cannibalism. And so on.

For the first hour or so director De Oliveira keeps the audience in a state of disbelief by showing us the empty life of the upper class in "their own art form": Os Canibais is a true opera- every line is sung, but rewards us in the end by going surreal. You'll know what I mean when you see it yourself.

Even though the last fifteen minutes of Os Canibais are great it doesn't remove the fact that the first hour is somewhat painful to watch. It might be different for people who understand and appreciate opera. The ending can be recommended for everyone who love the films of Bunuel, the works of surrealists or just enjoy good cinema with surprises.
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