The best satire of gore & slasher films ever made...
17 September 1999
This movie is a masterpiece - I can't believe it's not at LEAST a cult classic. It laughs at Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, all those "5 Teens in a house w/ a madman" movies, and that's just for starters. If you like this kind of humor (the European caustic, sarcasm kind, as seen in Cemetery Man, to name another great movie) you will absolutely LOVE this movie. Beautifully bad acting (intentionally so), some of the wittiest dialog I've ever seen, GREAT characters... from the basic concept of this film, all the way to the final implementation, this film is BRILLIANT! Check it out! Recommend it to all your friends! It's great, and NO ONE has ever heard of it...
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