Most NOT all but Most so called Good Movies I leave thinking what the hell was that! What did it mean. What were they trying to say. What was the message. I leave most so called Good Movies more confused than words can describe. Granted I am autistic as such lots of what most people do, love and understand including movies usually go right over my head. Hence I am truly blessed when every so often Hollywood let's go of a gem like Limit Up.
This movie is simple with a morality tale of good and evil that is easy to digest and understand. I see so many so called great movies I do not understand for years after I have seen them then suddenly on a long boring trip on the cross town bus I hear fellow passengers talking about the movie describing its meaning in a way I can understand. Once I understand the movie I usually say ewwe, yuck or big deal so what. Must be a normal human thing.
Anyways like I said again this movies plot is not rocket science, its a really cool morality play occurring in the life of a trader on the Chicago Board of Trade commodity futures exchange. She sells her soul to get help being a better trader and is soon tasked to pay up. As the story goes on she learns her lesson. I must admit the very thing most people hated about this story I loved which is it did give me a basic core level understanding of and insight to the world of commodities trading that made me respect the role the Chicago Board of Trade and its activities play in our lives.
Funny thing is I recently visited Chicago and yes because of having seen Limit Up I had to see the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Building which is both huge wide and beautiful. I really enjoyed the movie and worked hard to find it. I finally found Limit Up used on VHS tape at at a cheap price too. You can find almost any movie on in some format. Again this is another case where a movie the Wolf loves the world hates but hey I have long ago accepted that I am a weird ole thing.
This movie is simple with a morality tale of good and evil that is easy to digest and understand. I see so many so called great movies I do not understand for years after I have seen them then suddenly on a long boring trip on the cross town bus I hear fellow passengers talking about the movie describing its meaning in a way I can understand. Once I understand the movie I usually say ewwe, yuck or big deal so what. Must be a normal human thing.
Anyways like I said again this movies plot is not rocket science, its a really cool morality play occurring in the life of a trader on the Chicago Board of Trade commodity futures exchange. She sells her soul to get help being a better trader and is soon tasked to pay up. As the story goes on she learns her lesson. I must admit the very thing most people hated about this story I loved which is it did give me a basic core level understanding of and insight to the world of commodities trading that made me respect the role the Chicago Board of Trade and its activities play in our lives.
Funny thing is I recently visited Chicago and yes because of having seen Limit Up I had to see the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Building which is both huge wide and beautiful. I really enjoyed the movie and worked hard to find it. I finally found Limit Up used on VHS tape at at a cheap price too. You can find almost any movie on in some format. Again this is another case where a movie the Wolf loves the world hates but hey I have long ago accepted that I am a weird ole thing.