Tahiti's Girl (1990)
Ozores at his worst... or best?
23 January 2002
My memories about this film are, somehow mixed. On one hand, it his probably one of this director´s most boring films. On the other hand, it must be seen as the beginning of a new stage in Ozores career where he regained the attention of the media and even managed some screenings in big cinemas. His strategy was a wise one: having failed to achieve his own "star system" which should have replaced the Esteso-Pajares power duo, he chose to give main roles to tabloids front-pagers. In "Tahiti´s Girl" he picked the Thaiti´s Girl Vaitiare who, at that time, was dating no other than Julio Iglesias. Publicity flowed and Ozores returned like a Fenix. But it did not last. His last attempt at this formula was "Disparate Nacional", shot with doubles of the aforementioned tabloid front-pagers. It got response from tabloids but not at the box offices and marked, thus, his departure from filmmaking.

Miss ya.
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