This was a really good movie. It was entertaining, that's all that matters. I think the "self-proclaimed" Archie buffs who gave the bad comments about this movie didn't watch it with an open-mind. Even if you read the comic books, you would find this movie believable. Sure it would've been nice if the characters in the comic books turned out to be just the way you wanted them to be, but that's not what life's about. You should expect to be disappointed in life, just as with this movie. If you plan on being disappointed when you go to watch this movie, then you'll be relieved when you watch this movie (because it isn't all that bad). Going in with high hopes will give you the Siskel-Ebert syndrome where you find yourself scrutinizing every scene and character interaction. So I recommend this movie to anyone who has an open mind, and who's a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 (the TV show that's no longer around). If you can make fun of a movie, and still enjoy it, then you're getting your money's worth. Like it or hate it, Return To Riverdale is worth the money (you just gotta be open-minded).