Mirror Images (1992)
Violates most principles of good cinema.
29 November 2001
This film's script tells a tale of identical twin sisters, played by Delia Sheppard, who have little to link them other than appearance, and of how one must pay for attempting to usurp her sister's place when the latter disappears. Kaitlin, although unhappily married, has wed into wealth and resides in a mansion; meanwhile, her sister Shauna is a stripper in a sleazy bar who mysteriously tells Kaitlin she needs money with which to immediately leave town. Kaitlin impulsively takes Shauna's place during the dark hours and soon discovers that everything is not quite all right with her sister's life style, which includes sexual and drug excess. While she more or less frolics, complications abound, including murder, and Kaitlin becomes increasingly aware that her nocturnal impersonation does not provide compensation for the difficulties with which she must deal. This scenario wobbles about as it is merely an interstice for the doffing of garments by Sheppard and others preparatory to thrashing about in various sexual liaisons, one or two of which might possibly have something to do with the plot, such as it is. There is nothing fresh here as one illogical scene follows upon the other far too slowly, to the viewer's discomfort, with the abysmally poor dialogue and tiresome exposure of flesh merely resulting in an example of softcore pornography, and that devoid of any real eroticism or any other purpose.
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