Monty Python and the Holy Grail 'alla espagnola'
13 August 2001
First of all I'll make a suggestion: This film should be only for Spanish viewers. If you're not Spanish, then you'll probably think it's trash. But it's not. It's very funny. It's a film released in 1983, and it has lots of references to political aspects of Spain in the 80's. In fact it's just another forward critic of Spain (both past and actual), in the same mood of many other Spanish films of the decade. As in Airplane! (1980), nobody is safe from satire. The acid comments and the past-present mixture reminds me Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975). It's almost the same kind of film, but with Spanish characters and references.

I really love Lola Flores as the Queen Isabel I. She's not a great actress, but she's tremendously charismatic. José Luis López Vázquez and Jaime Morey are also splendid.

My rating: 6 or 7 out of 10.
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