Ann-Margaret was unbelievable. I saw this film so many years ago but it had a huge impact on me. I cried throughout the whole movie. My eyes and face were so red
and swollen that it stayed on my face for a day. The next day in
school people thought someone in my family had died or I had
been beaten up. I have watched for it to be rerun on TV but can never find it. I have
tried to purchase it but I don't think it is possible. I would LOVE to
see it again and tape it. I would love to show it to my Death and Dying Class. Help?
and swollen that it stayed on my face for a day. The next day in
school people thought someone in my family had died or I had
been beaten up. I have watched for it to be rerun on TV but can never find it. I have
tried to purchase it but I don't think it is possible. I would LOVE to
see it again and tape it. I would love to show it to my Death and Dying Class. Help?