Punky Brewster (1984–1988)
Best 80's TV Show
4 March 2002
I loved the show Punky Brewster. I've seen each and every one of the episodes. I loved how she always wore very colorful clothes(and different shoes by the way), that funky bed that leaned over when she got on it, her very colorful room(along with the colorful window and shade),her dog, her friends, her treehouse, and the way she brightened up the room when she walked in. My favorite episode was the 5 parter when Henry has a heart attack and Punky has to go to "Fenster Hall" until Henry can get back on her feet. Little did they know Punky was going to be adopted by a rich snobby couple. I wish they would put the re-runs on family channel so I can record them and cherish them for the rest of my life.
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