Punky Brewster (1984–1988)
Another great 80's sitcom
22 May 2003
To be honest like many others, I actually watched the cartoon as a kid first before I even KNEW that it was a live action TV show when they put it on the Family Channel. (Back before Fox bought it and then sold it to ABC)

When I finally got to see the live action show I figured it was based on the cartoon. Not that it mattered, I liked this much better. I don't think I really liked Glomer actually. Though when I saw the live version the first time I was curious as to where he was and relieved he wasn't there.

I would watch this religiously when it was on the Family Channel after school. This was a couple years after they stopped syndicating Small Wonder and it filled the void left by that loss.

I'm amazed at how Soleil Moon Frye turned out. She was a cute child who grew into a beautiful woman. She hardly looks the same!

She was on VH1's "I Love the 80's" (hich reminds me, I really do love the 80's.) last year and I finally caught it last month. When I saw her as an interviewee and read the little caption at the bottom and it said who she was, I was like, "Get out of here. That's her?" She was on an episode of Saved by the Bell a while ago (Ok, so it was over 10 years ago.) as Screech's gold digger girlfriend. (Oddly enough, it's not credited on IMDb.) and she still looked like she did as a kid. Amazing.

The father figure, George Gaynes, was perfect in his role.

If they put it on DVD, I would probably think about buying it, but I'd much rather take it one at a time on Nick at Nite. Now. If only they'd pick it up.
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