The Ellen Burstyn Show (1986–1987)
Missed opportunity
2 April 2003
This was a terrific little show, well-made and gently funny, which was doomed from the start. Ellen Burstyn agreed to do a series, but the show was stuck with a terrible lead-in ("Life With Lucy") and a terrible timeslot (on Saturday night), and Burstyn, while a fantastic actress and movie star, wasn't the kind of star likely to draw a large audience from name-ID alone. With Megan Mullally as her daughter (about as far from her "Will & Grace" character as you can get) and Elaine Stritch as her mother, plus one of the cutest child actors ever as her grandson, Burstyn was ably supported in this family sitcom. Unfortunately, no miracle occurred, and the show was cancelled in a matter of weeks.
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