Apology (1986 TV Movie)
Lesley & Peter - GOOD! Edited for further comments---
2 October 2002
This is one of the first movies I taped off HBO back in 1986. I just had so much fun with Leslie Ann Warren and Peter Weller and their repartee. They really did have good chemistry together. In fact, I enjoyed that part so much, I wish it had been a bigger part of the film.

The night streets of New York, wet and litter strewn, lends a certain noirish feel to the film. And the music score is very good and evocative.

The story is of an artist who sets up an answering machine to record people who call in to make an 'apology' for something they have done in their lives, and then becomes enmeshed with a madman who kills people but always says he's sorry on her machine.

The ending is a little gruesome, as are each of the murders, but I was caught up in the artist community and the film has been a favorite of mine ever since I first taped it. 8/10

Edited to update and add comments 9/18/08 Jane
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