Review of Ryder P.I.

Ryder P.I. (1986)
Are you kidding me?
23 August 2001
I read the only review for this movie and it sounded like this was one of the all time movie greats. I don't know what kind of comedy other people enjoy but the key word here is "comedy". There was none! Even with a cast of unknowns you'd think you'd get a chuckle from someone, even if it was the monkey. But I never laughed once during the entire movie....heck, I never even smiled! The acting was forced and fake and the "jokes" were painful. The lead actor even got caught looking at the camera in one scene. I don't recall a movie that I've ever seen that I would say was worse than this. And folks, I've seen "The Postman"! The ONLY reason to even keep this DVD is to watch the Howard Stern out-takes which were funny. Buy it? No. Rent it? No. Borrow it for the out-takes and don't even bother playing the movie. Can you give less than a zero? If not then score this one a ZERO!
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