M.A.N.T.I.S. (1994 TV Movie)
Black TV History
18 April 2003
M.A.N.T.I.S. probably made TV history by being the first black super hero on prime-time TV that represented a positive role model. This show really should have been given a chance. Unfortunately, like many a black program, the show was cut way before its time. I admit the suit needs some work, but the overall concept of the show was great. How often do we see an successful African American man carrying a show and being a positive role model? Answer: rarely!!!!! I can only hope that changes will be made among the Big 4 networks. These networks are obviously in need of more ethnically-aware individuals who can make decisions about what shows get aired and how people of color are portrayed (positive & culturally valid). Maybe they'll give some of the great shows the opportunity they deserve to shine.
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