This is a slightly spoiling comment, so be warned.
People scoff at hypnosis because it is such an odd phenomenon, but it is real, and it is apparently true that memories can be erased and replaced, and it helps if you don't use the magic word (I'm about to hypnotize you) but just get the job done some other way.
This movie would never had been made if it had not been a true story, because it seems too improbable. The expert witness who eventually vindicates the boy is a represenstation of a real character who has helped out in many crimes (not by hypnotizing people but sometimes by showing that they are faking). The wonder is that they found a lawyer good enough to track down the guy.
Good performances all around by a little known cast. Odd side moments like the baseball game and the pre-sex in the back shack add to the atmosphere.
People scoff at hypnosis because it is such an odd phenomenon, but it is real, and it is apparently true that memories can be erased and replaced, and it helps if you don't use the magic word (I'm about to hypnotize you) but just get the job done some other way.
This movie would never had been made if it had not been a true story, because it seems too improbable. The expert witness who eventually vindicates the boy is a represenstation of a real character who has helped out in many crimes (not by hypnotizing people but sometimes by showing that they are faking). The wonder is that they found a lawyer good enough to track down the guy.
Good performances all around by a little known cast. Odd side moments like the baseball game and the pre-sex in the back shack add to the atmosphere.