A poorly written movie clearly aimed at adolescents
13 December 1998
This movie is to be loved or hated. Loved if you are an adolescent looking for an hour of bizarre sexual fantasy with no requirement for a true plot, hated if you were looking for what could have been a good plot dealing with the danger of obsession. From the beginning, it appears that Alicia Silverstone's role in the film is to be the object of desire for a variety of male characters, from a young child to a middle aged tragic character; and therefore to be filmed as often as possible wearing as little as possible in the "dream sequence" type fantasy scenes. None of the actors was really given a chance of a stunning performance given the poor script and lack of plot which could have easily been condensed into a fifteen minute "gap-filler" for late night, low budget Television - eliminating the drawn out and tiresome first twenty minutes or so. Throughout the remainder of the film, the viewer can find it not only difficult to distinguish the fantasy scenes from the real-time scenes - but also to distinguish one scene from another as there is little variaton in the last forty minutes of the movie, which appears to be on a continuous five minute loop to the casual observer. Unfortunate to have an "18" certificate in the UK for a movie that would appeal more to the 12-15 age group. One to avoid otherwise.
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