I really don't care about what others think, but for me this movie is the best teen comedy ever. Maybe, it's just because I've not seen a lot of teen comedies.
It was year 1996 in Russia, when I bought this movie on VHS in little shop near my house. At this time I was a little stupid kid. I think, I was 10 or 11 years old. This movie made a big impression on me. You know, it's kinda hard to explain my feelings in English, cause it's not my native language, but I'll try.
Since I was a kid, I wanted to become a "cool, mature guy". I thought that being mature is like having parties all the time, drinking alcohol and so on. "Senior trip" had it all in it. It was really funny, it had all this "cool" music, that I tried to like. At this time I got my first "Nirvana" CD. I liked to be the one I was. I liked being bad, talking in bad language, joking about sex. Yes, I was a bad kid. A really bad one. After years of life such as this I get to hospital, I was really depressed, but it has nothing to do with the movie.
It was very cool to listen to grunge music in 1996, though it was not so popular in the US. And the movie felt like a "grunge" movie for me. Yeah, I know it's a very stupid movie, it has a lot of crap in it, but I still like it, cause it was like a Bible at my teenage. It showed me another, alternative life, not the stupid life I was living. My best friend liked this movie, too. He is the only one whom I showed it to this day. For me it's very personal movie, though it's neither about my life nor about my country. I think, it's very hard to understand, why I think it's great. Cause it's just my feeling, which I can't explain in Russian, too.
After this movie I saw some teen comedies like "American pie", "Road trip", "Not another teen movie", "Scary movie", but all of them are a much more badder than "Senior trip". Yes, I laughed when I watched first parts of "American pie" and "Scary movie", but I've never wanted to re-watch them again.
I don't think that this movie will be a hit, if it gets re-published today. The world has changed, the teenagers have changed. This movie is a history now. Nothing else. But in my heart it is a classic.
It was year 1996 in Russia, when I bought this movie on VHS in little shop near my house. At this time I was a little stupid kid. I think, I was 10 or 11 years old. This movie made a big impression on me. You know, it's kinda hard to explain my feelings in English, cause it's not my native language, but I'll try.
Since I was a kid, I wanted to become a "cool, mature guy". I thought that being mature is like having parties all the time, drinking alcohol and so on. "Senior trip" had it all in it. It was really funny, it had all this "cool" music, that I tried to like. At this time I got my first "Nirvana" CD. I liked to be the one I was. I liked being bad, talking in bad language, joking about sex. Yes, I was a bad kid. A really bad one. After years of life such as this I get to hospital, I was really depressed, but it has nothing to do with the movie.
It was very cool to listen to grunge music in 1996, though it was not so popular in the US. And the movie felt like a "grunge" movie for me. Yeah, I know it's a very stupid movie, it has a lot of crap in it, but I still like it, cause it was like a Bible at my teenage. It showed me another, alternative life, not the stupid life I was living. My best friend liked this movie, too. He is the only one whom I showed it to this day. For me it's very personal movie, though it's neither about my life nor about my country. I think, it's very hard to understand, why I think it's great. Cause it's just my feeling, which I can't explain in Russian, too.
After this movie I saw some teen comedies like "American pie", "Road trip", "Not another teen movie", "Scary movie", but all of them are a much more badder than "Senior trip". Yes, I laughed when I watched first parts of "American pie" and "Scary movie", but I've never wanted to re-watch them again.
I don't think that this movie will be a hit, if it gets re-published today. The world has changed, the teenagers have changed. This movie is a history now. Nothing else. But in my heart it is a classic.