Glory Daze (1995)
A better college movie than "Animal House"
15 November 1999
Ah, what a wonderful little gem "Glory Daze" is. Everyone extols the virtues of "Animal House," calling it the greatest college comedy ever, but for my generation of college students, I bet "Glory Daze" would be seen as a far better film (if only people would SEE it).

Ben Affleck is great in his portrayal of Jack, the ultimate purveyor of suburban angst. His scene with the jokester passing out graduation gowns is priceless, as is the confrontation on the bus with Brendan Fraser and Leah Remini. He gives a most memorable performance.

The best thing about "Glory Daze" is its honesty; even the tough, angry Jack breaks down when it comes to love. even he still seeks his "funny s**t". Give this one a chance; any college student should relate (especially those male ones who are free of the fraternity lifestyle).
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