A Tolerable Sequel to the Masterpiece
8 January 2001
You might wonder why Chuck Perello decided to make a sequel to Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Did he think that it would live up to the original masterpiece? Of course it didn't. In this installment Henry played by Neil Giuntoli, is looking for work and finds it. Cleaning and delivering porto-johns. He moves in with a co-worker until he gets his feet off the ground. His new friend soon discovers that the quiet soft spoken Henry is a psycho, but he (like Henry's buddy in the original) soon begin killing total strangers for kicks.

While the film has its similarities and differences to the original Perello still manages to acquire a cold empty feeling which was present in the original Henry although not as strongly. Henry 2 tries a more graphic approach toward the murders, but is no less disturbing than the original. Neil Giuntoli approaches the character of Henry in the same way Michael Rooker did, with a certain quiet. But Giutoli is in no way as effective. If you choose to rent Henry 2, enjoy it for it and don't try comparing it to the original, cause you'll just be let down. Let Henry 2 stand on its own two feet.
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