Shaquille O' Neal plays a rapping genie helping a kid(his name....who cares) to re-unite with his work~a~holic father. OK, this movie is deeply flawed, mild in entertainment, but with all of these rappers and basketball stars (Omarion in "You Got Served, Darius Miles in "The Perfect Score) in movies playing rappers and basketball stars, at least Shaq attempts to be a genie,and TRIES to stretch his acting ability by being something he's not. Besides that, the kid's wishes are implausible, seeing as candy bars and burgers rain (through a roof somehow) and come down perfect in order and unsmushed. I can't see which audience this is targeting. Kids won't be awed and 12+ will be laughing for all of the wrong reasons.
VERDICT: *1/2 of **** Not Recommended
VERDICT: *1/2 of **** Not Recommended