7 Years in the Making
8 March 2004
Shot back in 96 by novice hyphenate, Valerie Franco aka Marie Cascimo, the director of photography has yet still to see a copy of the finished film especially since there were some lovely images realized in the course of making the "Bros. McMullen Italian style".

Im sure the editors and assistants, Michael Reichman and Marc Cavello, would love to see it as well.

Why is it being ballyhooed now? Maybe it has something to do with the high visibility of cameo guest star Rudy Guliani.

Why it it after a no-budget indie hits it big on the fest circuit all the Sundance "wanna bes" throw themselves into copying it when regardless of Smith and Burns' questionable talents, it was a fluke that they got through in the first place. Maybe first timers should concern themselves with telling an original story, just direct and not play the lead as well.

I suppose we'll have to wait until the next no-budgeter romantic comedy squeaks through before we can see this dubious endeavour.
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