Reuniting Excalibur's King Arthur (Terry) as Sir Thomas Grey, with his queen (Lunghi) as his neighbor-turning love interest Lady Elizabeth, this series seemed perfectly created for those who love medieval period pieces. It was somewhat light on exact history, but did not outright thrash all realism like the Xena/Hurcules shows did. Ione Skye was beautiful as the tomboy only daughter of Lord Grey and the lads (though you had as much trouble keeping track of which ones were about as their father did) all gave splendid performances. The scenery was breathtaking and even though it played itself up as a drama, it's approach was refreshing compared to all the modern day shows airing.
Unfortunately, it was too 'geeky' for the average viewer, and perhaps not geeky enough (the mushiness might have turned off fan-boys) for the average fan of knights and wizards and such, so it faded into obscurity almost as quickly as it appeared.
I mourn its loss and wish it was available to watch somewhere in some form. It may not have been the best of writing, but it was novel in the way it approached telling the stories. Perhaps too novel for its time.
Unfortunately, it was too 'geeky' for the average viewer, and perhaps not geeky enough (the mushiness might have turned off fan-boys) for the average fan of knights and wizards and such, so it faded into obscurity almost as quickly as it appeared.
I mourn its loss and wish it was available to watch somewhere in some form. It may not have been the best of writing, but it was novel in the way it approached telling the stories. Perhaps too novel for its time.