That affable, amiable, absent minded professor family man Wayne (Rick Moranis) is back, but now his experiments in size are funded by a big time company and he's a hot property. Unfortunately, his new toddler son, Adam, is the one who gets zapped this time, but instead of shrinking, he's turned into a toddler of Godzilla proportions. If you thought Wayne's wife was unhappy with Wayne shrinking their older son Nick and daughter Amy (who only cameos here) in the first film, just wait till you see her lose it here when she finds out her little boy Adam here! Now it's a race against time for Wayne to shrink Adam back down to size before he's destroyed by an uncaring society, with help from his now teenage son Nick and his girlfriend, Kerri Russell before she hit it big with "Felicity".
May strain the cuteness for some, will warm the hearts of others. Followed by a direct to video sequel that's not even worth the price of rental.
May strain the cuteness for some, will warm the hearts of others. Followed by a direct to video sequel that's not even worth the price of rental.