Sonic the Hedgehog, more appropriately known as Sonic SatAM, was the last great cartoon ever aired before the anime takeovers. This wasn't typical cartoony stuff. This show wasn't afraid to show kids a dark and serious side to cartoons. This cartoon was voted to be the second most violent kids show ever, but I would rather watch this than Power Rangers, which killed this show, caused it to go off the air, and then multiplied into many hideous variations. While Sonic had depth, Power Rangers was just cheese and was much more violent than Sonic ever was. This series is not too far off from being a Blade Runner for kids. The atmosphere was dark. The episodes were adventurous and exciting. Dr. Robotnik was made into what a true villain should be--ominous and scary, not the wimpy Sega version. In short, this was a great cartoon, much more than being just another mindless action toon. I even remember the opening sequence and theme song after all these years. It was like the Star Wars of cartoons. It left THAT much of an impression on me. One of the greatest of cartoons is gone forever, but all the children who grew up during that time will never forget.