May not be so exciting but fit your eyes.
18 March 2004
this is a film that is about a former kid-star (Mikey Chapman by MJF) who become kid-star-manager. he had met Angie (Christina Vidal, Freaky Friday's red hair girl, "u make me cry out, I want to get out") coz angie steal his wallet in a street...then mikey find angie have talent...

it's a very touching film that you should try watch once. some words inside may not be good to one scene when mikey return home, angie say a adult male item. don't say here coz comments better not contain sex or sth like that. I don't think that this film is very boring but some ppl may feel it boring. that is your own tolerance ...

This may not be a very exciting or very interesting film but at least it's decent to watch and not contain nudity. I suggest all my friend to watch.

one thing to show to you why I love this movie, My christian name is Mikey. hahaha...but anyways, read once and you will say why don't you enjoy this film b4.

though frighteners is 1000 times better than mikey, life with mikey is also being easily forgotten !
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