Recall a time when the enemy DIDN'T succeed.
16 April 2004
One of the unfortunate results about the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, is that they've overshadowed the February 26, 1993 attack on the World Trade Center -- so much so that people refuse to acknowledge that the attack had the same goal as 9/11, and didn't happen when George W. Bush or George H.W. Bush were President of the United States. Those who are dumb enough to blame George W. Bush on 9/11 must watch this movie. The same goes for those who consider Israel responsible, as well as those who complain about "profiteering" from the war we're in now, who forgot about the man who's illuminated Timex lit the way to safety in '93, and had his story turned into a TV Commercial. The reason they must watch it is so they know that the goals that Osama Bin Laden had for New York City was tried eight years earlier, and that on both occasions the Islamic fanatics responsible for the attacks left obvious clues leading to the source of hatred of America, and in the case of the 1993 attack their conviction. The 1993 WTC Bombers planned to cause one tower to collapse upon the other. The only difference between the two attacks is that the 1993 bombers failed to achieve their intended goal, because the North Tower withstood the bombing long enough to allow construction workers to rebuild the foundation. The biggest criticism I have with this movie is that it was made too soon after the attack, but I'll take this movie over the yet-to-be released, "Fahrenheit 9/11,", because this is a dramatic interpretation of the truth, not a biased distortion of a slanted zealot who passes himself off as an intellectual and a documentarian claiming to be searching for the truth, when he's already decided what it is. Are you reading this, Michael Moore? It's Islamic fanaticism that's to blame for both attacks, not Bush, not Clinton, and not Islam.

Never forget September 11, 2001. But also, never forget February 26, 1993 either!
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