Invisible lighting bolts, big boulders, and high adventure.
18 July 2002
This is a wonderful fantasy-flying-fu flick. Not too much serious, except for the occasional graphic violence and blood gushing. Other than that, the plot is loose and fun- and funny at times. The theme of adventure is high on the list. Tony Leung is especially good, as are the two female leads- and the other two male leads for that matter. Why this is rated lower than other fantasy-fu films, I have no idea. This is just as good, and better in some ways (better humor-but not too much as in so many goofy Hong Kong films). Magic Crane is less structured than most films- as was Swordsman II. The similarities to Deadly Melody are there. However, Deadly Melody was more linear. Magic Crane has the randomness and openness like Swordsman II, but is easier to follow than that film, because this story is simpler. Just a simple struggle between an evil large gang and the rest of the martial arts experts; plus a second plot of revenge between two women. The final fight scene is of a similar type as those found in other films of this time period- like Zen of Sword, and Holy Weapon. Lots of wire-work and throwing things- large things like rocks and a giant bell, and small things such as invisible energy bolts from the fingers.
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