Review of Fatherland

Fatherland (1994 TV Movie)
A true surprise
6 May 2002
Re-baptized LE CREPUSCULE DES AIGLES (TWILIGHT OF THE EAGLES) by a French cable-TV chain, it was the only watchable movie on a raining election afternoon when I watched it, after mistaking it for a WWI air combat film starring George Peppard. To my great surprise, I learned from the introduction sequence that the Allies had been stormed back into the Channel in June 1944, then the US brought home the G.I's,Edward VIII came back with Queen Wallis, while Churchill retired to Canada, and Joe Kennedy became President of the United States, scheduled to meet Hitler in 1964, for the latter's 75th birthday. Then I understood I was watching a TV rendition of Robert Harris' masterpiece, which I had savoured almost ten years ago... Rutger Hauer was unusually mysterious as a quiet SS man, the setting (made in the Baranov studios of Prague, a bargain for advantageous filming of mid-century action) was excellent, with an interesting suggestion of the Albert Speer monumental project. I wonder who had the idea to schedule this film the very day when the French voters sent an unanimous rejection of the extreme right (May 5th, 2002), and under an enigmatic name (it had never been shown before, either on TV or theatres). harry carasso, paris
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