Review of Greedy

Greedy (1994)
A lesson for life!
29 September 1999
This is film is about a very basic instinct in all of us, simply put forth in the title "Greed".

As the story unfolds the characters seem very familiar, people we have seen and known and loved. They are not evil people. They have slowly and simply given in to the lure of greed. Here is a story about a multi-millionaire uncle and his clan of relatives each trying to beat the other in pleasing their uncle to get quoted in his will. Even the nicest and most honest of them all (Michael J Fox) slowly get sucked into the plot and get into this run for money.

The story is an eye-opener. It gives us an opportunity to look into ourselves and our own set of values. It makes us introspect and re-prioritise our lives. How many times have we ourselves given in to the rut? Without meaning to hurt how many times have we actually fooled ourselves into believing that what we are doing is for a noble cause when actually all that we were actually interested in was the money?

the ending is great. It brings back faith to people who have become cynical enough to believe that good does not beget good in return always. It raises our hopes and makes us feel good about being simple and honest with ourselves. it is a must watch movie for the whole family.
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