Review of Free Money

Free Money (1998)
6 April 2000
I, too, am a fan of Marlon Brando. The talent the man has is unbelievable. Who could have imagined a brilliant slapstick comedy featuring Brando, Sheen, and Sutherland? Both the writer and cast director deserve an award. The shifting role Brando plays as overprotective father to ruthless Warden is one of the best things about the movie. But the show also belongs to Sheen and Church. I hadn't seen much of the other actor, Church, before, but he was hilarious in this movie, too. I never saw this in the theaters, I don't know if it showed. If you want to see a good, light-hearted movie that will keep you laughing, go and rent this movie tonight. This is one of the few actually funny comedies to come out of the 90's.
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