This exellent film regarding a seclusion place where mentally instable characters live, is undoubtely a special vision of a curious situation that is typical in Argentina. Furthermore if we notice the year it was filmed in, and we realize that there was a dictatorship at that moment, we begin to interchange more personally with those characters relating their story with that of a "Caligari" of a "Brazil" situation, in the sense that one can express oneself under such terrible situations only by showing characters that go mad. In other words, the normal people of reality are really the questioned ones in such a authoritarian context. Mr Doria had already filmed two features that had strong problems with a terrifying censorship and in this movie he still finds the strength to film interesting and good quality stories. It is outstanding that this artist always stood firm in his creative convictions, even through those black years. His following career proves his authenticity as a master of moviemaking.