Oh my goodness...
16 March 2003
...did I ever love this Peanuts special (I was 2-3, what more could you expect?). I remember renting it God only knows how many times on video with 'She's A Good Skate, Charlie Brown' after it. I was the biggest Snoopy fan on earth (still love him dearly)! I remember wearing my spandex Snoopy exercise clothes and dancing around all over the place to this special. There was really nothing to it other than the singing, but I wasn't old enough to care. I sang along with it, and had a blast while doing so.

I still remember the songs, particularly the main 'Flashbeagle' song ("He's a champion! He's the best!" "You should hear the sound of his naaaaa-me! They call him Flash- flash- flash- flaaash-beagle!"). I think this is pretty much the only Peanuts special that's actually dated, the rest are timeless. 'Flashbeagle' has the '80s written all over it, while most of the others hold up very well today. This is why the Peanuts have stayed so popular for so many years. I think they took a note of that after 'Flashbeagle'.

But I do have many wonderful childhood memories from 'Flashbeagle', so it has a special place in my heart.
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