If you ever were a TMNT fan...don't watch this. Honestly it will make you cry. If you think I am kidding....watch it. Just remember...I warned you!
Saban...give up..forever, spare us! This was too much like Power Rangers. Super formulamatical plots. A female turtle who's storyline doesn't fit at all. Bad Costumes, bad acting, bad villians! This move seriously was a slap in the face to the TMNT legacy. The new TMNT Cartoon however is a must-see...A true compliment to the series. Where as this took the movies and tried to go from there, the new 2003 series takes us through the often ignored world of comic books. With more edge and less goofball antics, we get to see the TMNT at their fighting best. Skip the next mutation and check out the 2003 series on the foxbox!
Saban...give up..forever, spare us! This was too much like Power Rangers. Super formulamatical plots. A female turtle who's storyline doesn't fit at all. Bad Costumes, bad acting, bad villians! This move seriously was a slap in the face to the TMNT legacy. The new TMNT Cartoon however is a must-see...A true compliment to the series. Where as this took the movies and tried to go from there, the new 2003 series takes us through the often ignored world of comic books. With more edge and less goofball antics, we get to see the TMNT at their fighting best. Skip the next mutation and check out the 2003 series on the foxbox!