True Women is essentially a Western Drama that revolves around the lives and times of 3 women,different in their ideals and personalities but similar in their inner strength and courage.It is a poignant story told vividly and effectively on the plains of Texas.It successfully avoids stereotypes and builds up stong,real characters. I loved this movie and I'd watch it over again in a heartbeat!!!This was one story that was truly moulded and made by its actors.Every actor was seemingly made for their respective character.Delaney,Gish and Jolie gave impressive performances but the most spectacular piece of acting for me was that of Tina Majorino,in every movie I have seen featuring this young actress she has always given a performance far more mature than one does expect of her and her role as young Euphemia was no different.There were times in this movie where certain events didn't exactly fit and moments when certain actors seemed uneasy and slipped out of character but the momentum was quickly regained.This movie I think is one of those few movies that truly and sincerely celebrates WOMEN!