Just Write takes a funny and perspective approach to a familiar boy-meets-girl plot and avoids the superficiality that has
plagued many recent film romances. Just Write is an amiable diversion that transcends its implausible material. Just Write opens with the kind of preposterous situation that only unfolds in the movies. Through an ingenious twist of fate
congenial Hollywood tour bus driver and avid movie buff Harold McMurphy (Jeremy Priven) finds himself conversing with beautiful actress Amanda Clark (Sherilyn Fenn), but it's his own concealed nervousness that propels him to lie about his profession. After an awkward pause of contemplation he tells her that he's a screenwriter, she believes him and asks him to read and eventually rewrite the frivolous script for her new film. All of this leisurely leads to a budding romance between the two. The
second we see the two together, we the audience know that they are made for each other, the obstacles in their way merely prolong the obvious denouement. Jeremy Priven's Harold McMurphy is not just another cardboard characterization, Harold has the actual depth and
dimension of a real person; Priven brings his affable character delightfully to life. Sherilyn Fenn and Jeremy Priven are surprisingly credible in their roles, despite some of the fatuous situations.
plagued many recent film romances. Just Write is an amiable diversion that transcends its implausible material. Just Write opens with the kind of preposterous situation that only unfolds in the movies. Through an ingenious twist of fate
congenial Hollywood tour bus driver and avid movie buff Harold McMurphy (Jeremy Priven) finds himself conversing with beautiful actress Amanda Clark (Sherilyn Fenn), but it's his own concealed nervousness that propels him to lie about his profession. After an awkward pause of contemplation he tells her that he's a screenwriter, she believes him and asks him to read and eventually rewrite the frivolous script for her new film. All of this leisurely leads to a budding romance between the two. The
second we see the two together, we the audience know that they are made for each other, the obstacles in their way merely prolong the obvious denouement. Jeremy Priven's Harold McMurphy is not just another cardboard characterization, Harold has the actual depth and
dimension of a real person; Priven brings his affable character delightfully to life. Sherilyn Fenn and Jeremy Priven are surprisingly credible in their roles, despite some of the fatuous situations.