This movie is better than the Godfather!
23 April 2001
This movie rocks! This is the single greatest movie ever made, i think it's better than the godfather, taxi driver, raging bull and star wars put together!

It tells the story of a man on death row, and is acted superbly by a truely excellent cast. Each performance is worthy of an academy award. How charlie sheen's excellent cameo did not earn him the best supporting actor oscar, is both beyond comprehension, and frankly, criminal. With his Hitchcock-esque directorial debut, Michaels has created a truely wonderful, gritty suspense thriller with must surely go down as an all time cinema great.

Credit must again go to Charlie Sheen for a truely remarkable performance, which shows him as a man of great strength, but also his vulnerable side. I can't imagine any other actor being able to play "Cop#2", as it would appear it is the role Sheen was born to play.

Martin Sheen is also excellent as the leads father, and gives a performance so moving i was almost in tears watching it.

The movie as a whole is excellent, i would highly recommend everyone buys it.

I award this movie 10/10, it is the best movie ever made. EVER! >
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