This movie starts out with a "martial arts" match between one of the power rangers[out of costume], and some other guy, in which the ranger is thrown from the ring, and hurts his leg or something. So they end up replacing him with his kid brother or something as equally stupid. When he morphs, he puts on the costume, then grows to the size o an adult. Anyway, they get new "zords", which are actually cars. Way to go, robots at least made the show seem cool, now they have cars. They have to rescue some little alien thing, which is the love child of an Ewok and Gizmo from gremlins. Along the way, the new pink ranger twists her ankle or something after falling into the water, and the alien heals her with his glowing finger. No ET rip off there. They take him...somewhere, and then they have this boat. The boat takes them to the island, where the rangers have to fight the old red and pink rangers who are being mind controlled. Did I mention that they have a sub plot going where bulk, skull, Jason and Kim are prisoners of the enemies? Well, yeah, they get mind controlled. During the fight, the big evil thing on the island is released, and the rangers can stop fighting Jason and Kim because the alien used his powers to fix their brains. The rangers go out to fight the big guy, who's being called all powerful, and being completely overhyped. They call out their cars, and start up this 8 minute sequence where the cars drive around, the rangers wave their hands around, and the cars go together to form a giant robot. They then proceed to hit the guy once. Once with the sword. That's all it takes, and he blows up. I sat through that whole movie, and that's the end? They kill him in one hit? The fight was shorter than the robot forming sequence. There is no excuse for that.