Far from the Madding Crowd (1998 TV Movie)
14 April 2002
I finally saw the 1967 version of Hardy's story, and while I thought it had excellent performances, the 1998 version is more satisfying. I've always liked both Alan Bates and Nathaniel Parker, but I think I'd have to give the latter the nod for his portrayal of the upright, conscientious Gabriel Oak. Nigel Terry is superb as the tragic Mr. Boldwood; his entire demeanor commanded more sympathy from me than did Peter Finch's portrayal -- you simply ache for the poor fellow when he's trying to gain even the slightest bit of encouragement from Paloma Baeza (who is exceptional as Bathsheba). I also thought this version was brighter and warmer than the visually gloomy, bleak 1967 version. (Well, perhaps that's really what Wessex looks like.) I realize this isn't exactly a happy tale, but it's nice to see SOME upbeat moments and sunshine once in awhile. All in all, a very satisfying performance -- a few hours well-spent.
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