*****,perfect 5 stars,OK so its basically a halloween episode of "New adventures of winnie the pooh" but still the series was excellent cont. of the classic pooh movie so is this too.
2 July 1999
Although (like I've said) it was basically a halloween episode of the series "New adventures of winnie the pooh" this is a great showing of it & if you love watching the series (like myself) & even if you never heard of the series but love winnie the pooh you'll love this too & even if you don't know much about W.T.P it has a delightful kid-friendly charm to li'l ones & if you like light-hearted (non-offensive) humor if you like these kinds of things you'll enjoy this film & it has voices of Jim cummings(many areas such as Bump in the night & goof troop etc.) as pooh & the original voice of Tigger Mr.Paul winchell & the voiceactors of optimus prime(transformers) as eeyore(peter cullen) those are the reconizeable voices in here(unless you've heard of the other voiceacting people elsewhere) so bye for now is this was my 2 cents for right now.
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