Review of Cold War

Cold War (1998–1999)
Great overview of the events of the Cold War
10 December 2002
Excellent documentary series! I found this series at my local library, and it's an excellent primer for the events of the so-called "Cold War" from the beginning to the end. Contemporary footage is successfully mixed in with many interviews of still-living witnesses/participants of history, and Kenneth Branagh's voiceovers keep the viewer up to date on every crucial detail.

If you've ever been interested in learning the real historical background behind John le Carre's and Ian Fleming's spy novels, this is the series that will bring you up to date. CNN also has a Cold War website with further information, as well as a list of books which one may wish to borrow from the library to learn still more about specific events.

I borrowed two videos at a time and watched them in order, and I was never disappointed. If you love history as much as I do, you'll love this documentary series!
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