If scenery and acting make a movie great than I guess that what this is but I need more than that. I need an interesting plot and for god sakes an ending. If i pay eight bucks to sit through a three hour movie I want the thing to end. Screw imagination. That's just a cop out when directors run out of money or can't figure out where the story is going. ***If you haven't seen the movie stop reading unless you want to save yourself a few bucks***. Tell a bunch of lies, get confronted, murder the person, cover it up by murdering someone else. If I wanted a 3 hour lecture on how one lie leads to another I would have thought real hard and remebered the time I was in grade 4 and my mom and dad told me that. Best movie of the year, I think not. Great scenery, sure but if i turned on a camera in Italy you'd see great scenery too. Jude Law does a great job but if you want to see good acting out of Law rent Gattaca (a truly great movie) and save yourself a few bucks.