Casper Meets Wendy (1998 Video)
A Kids Movie
14 February 2004
As I started to read the prior comment, I thought I had accidentally brought up comments on Titanic or Gladiator.

Actually, I found this mildly amusing, It didn't have that humor/storyline for everyone of a Shrek or Nemo, but that is okay. Not every Kid's Movie has to appeal to the whole family. Since this is a Kid's Movie, and I don't like to rate/inflict adult standards onto purely Kid's Movies outside of appropriateness -- message, if any; language and type of action, etc. The whole thing boils down to "How did the kids react to it?"

Well, the kids liked it a lot. And at the bottom line, when the day is done, that is what counts when you rent or take your kids to see a Kid's Movie. That being said, I am not interested in the complexity of plot lines, holes in story or academy award quality performances.

The kids say 7, and that is good enough for me.
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