Review of Higher Ground

Higher Ground (2000)
Great show that will be missed!
10 June 2002
First off, I would like to preface this by saying that I am a male that is probably twice the age of the average person that watched this show. That being said, I absolutely love(d) this show. My niece bought the shows off of e-bay and told me to watch the tapes, being that I am a high school teacher she thought I might like it. She was right. I thought the acting was outstanding and the stories very touching. I often see kids with many of the same attitudes/feelings and I can relate to some of the kids based on feelings that I had and currently have, although not quite to the extent of the characters on the show.

This show helps make me want to be a better teacher to all my kids, especially the ones that seem troubled. I have never seen a show that has made an impact like that on my career, and for that I am thankful. It's really too bad that with all the crap on television now days that a show that is inspirational in a positive way falls through the cracks.
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