If new to Bollywood movies, or an old hand, watch this film.
16 August 2002
I saw my first Bollywood movie during a vacation to India in 2000. Since then, I have seen at least 15 and have collected seven of the more popular recent releases. This was the second movie I saw in the theaters there (the first was horrible except for an excellent dance number), and I enjoyed HSSH immensely. Even without subtitles (and I don't speak Hindu), the plot, easy to follow, was not a barrier to what I considered to be excellent singing, dancing, and entertainment. I loved Karishma Kaapoor and Saif Ali Khan, was exposed to several actors which appeared in subsequent movies which I enjoyed, and in short had a good time. I have purchased this movie to show to friends as their first up-close encounter with Bollywood. Since seeing this film, I have enjoyed only one movie, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, more. I would recommend this movie to anyone but particularly to someone trying to learn fresh about this key segment of the movie industry.
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