Review of Me Myself I

Me Myself I (1999)
A hidden gem. Funny, moving and true. See it.
14 March 2003
This movie is a true hidden gem. I cannot say too strongly - see it, see it see it. The premise of the movie might seem a little strained... and perhaps also overused - it's very much the same basic idea as the Nicholas Cage vehicle "Family Man", but with a female rather than a male protagonist. But this movie really works, on so many levels. Rachel Griffiths (Brenda from Six Feet Under) gives a lovely performance as the central figure, who finds herself at the verge of mid-life confronting and changing paths with an "alternate self". The movie is very funny in parts, in a slightly exaggerated but "spot on" way rather reminiscent of Bridget Jones' Diary. But I think this film actually manages to do as much in this way as BJD, whilst going considerably further in connecting with emotional realities and the sense of choices and consequences in life. It's not astoundingly deep, I guess. But it's very funny, moving and true. And fair, as well - it never gets preachy, or comes down with a trite "moral" on one side of a complex issue. I suppose the movie's most obvious appeal would be to women of a certain age either single and (to some degree) wishing they were married or married and (to some degree) wishing they were single. But I'd have no hesitation in recommending it to anyone.
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