Israel is a very interesting country, in its people, its history, it's insane politics and so on. Therefore one would expect a flourishing and interesting cinematic industry. But, making films in Israel is NOT good business due to its small population, the people's preference of Hollywood pictures and lack of real support from the government.
Despite all those difficulties, In the past 5-10 years, real quality cinema is being made there (here). "Besame Mucho" takes 3 steps up from most good Israeli films. In its beautiful and sensitive cinematography, its wonderful colorful characters, and its amazing actors (Moni moshonov, Menashe Noy etc.). I think Moni Moshonov (well known Israeli actor, Co-starred along side with Tom Hanks in a film which i can't remember its name in 86) gives in "Besame Mucho" the performance of his lifetime, Bravo Moni ! Menashe Noy is very amusing as "Shimon" the genius soup cook. If your'e gonna see a foreign film , try to get your hands on this one. I hope the director, Joseph Pitchadsa, will make more films like this one, and maybe try more to touch Israeli social and political subjects.
More Israeli titles worth getting your hands on: "Total Love" (Masheu Totali), Electric Blanket Named Moshe (Smiha hashmalit ushma moshe), "Life According To Agfa" and more.
Despite all those difficulties, In the past 5-10 years, real quality cinema is being made there (here). "Besame Mucho" takes 3 steps up from most good Israeli films. In its beautiful and sensitive cinematography, its wonderful colorful characters, and its amazing actors (Moni moshonov, Menashe Noy etc.). I think Moni Moshonov (well known Israeli actor, Co-starred along side with Tom Hanks in a film which i can't remember its name in 86) gives in "Besame Mucho" the performance of his lifetime, Bravo Moni ! Menashe Noy is very amusing as "Shimon" the genius soup cook. If your'e gonna see a foreign film , try to get your hands on this one. I hope the director, Joseph Pitchadsa, will make more films like this one, and maybe try more to touch Israeli social and political subjects.
More Israeli titles worth getting your hands on: "Total Love" (Masheu Totali), Electric Blanket Named Moshe (Smiha hashmalit ushma moshe), "Life According To Agfa" and more.